As the Director of Middle School Curriculum and Instruction, Kathy oversees the continuity of Ingenuity science and math instruction throughout the program, coordinating revisions to our evolving curriculum, and acting as a coach for established teachers and mentor to new Ingenuity math and science teachers.
Kathy taught in the Baltimore City School system for 19 years, a majority of which she was teaching Ingenuity Science. She joined The Ingenuity Project in 2004 as a teacher at Garrison Middle School and moved to the Roland Park Middle School team where she taught until the summer of 2021, when she joined the Ingenuity administrative staff.
Kathy has a bachelor’s from Allegheny College and a Masters in the Art of Teaching from The Johns Hopkins University with a focus on Science Education. She continues her education every day as she learns new things from her students, parents, peers, and the world around her. She firmly believes that all students can be successful in STEM and works to bring opportunities to students in Baltimore City.