Applications for the 2025-2026 school year are closed. Decisions for rising 6th grade (MS) and rising 9th grade (HS) were sent via email on February 28, 2025.  Be sure to check both spam and junk folders for updates.  If you have questions or need assistance click here to use our questions portal.

Ingenuity Student STEM Awards History

Ingenuity supports students interested in cutting-edge research and development in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) with two different off-campus programs: the Research Practicum and the Innovation Practicum. These research programs allow students to engage with university faculty and researchers throughout the area’s most prestigious universities, research institutions, and businesses. They enable students to be creative, independent thinkers, refine their communication skills, produce high-quality written work, and achieve admission to top collegiate programs; in general, they prepare them for their future careers.
As seniors, they are expected to submit the results of their work to competitions, including the Siemens Competition and the Intel Science Talent Search, two of the nation’s most prestigious and financially rewarding pre-college contests. Recognition from the Intel Science Talent Search is based on “evidence of research ability, scientific originality and creative thinking.”

Here is Ingenuity’s student history of student awards and scholarships

YearStudentAwardResearch Title
2023Holland LowRegeneron STS SemifinalistThe Impacts of Modulating Reaction Time on Active Sensing in Weakly Electric Fish
2023Kaif RehmanRegeneron STS SemifinalistAnalysis of Carbon Isotopic Values and Small Shelly Fossils of the Poleta Formation in the Lower Cambrian
2019 Michelle MokayaRegeneron STS SemifinalistDetection of Schistosoma Mansoni DNA from Filtered Urine Samples Using a Multiplex PCR
2018 Rebecca BrodyRegeneron STS SemifinalistThe Effect of Low Oxygen on Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Endothelial Cells
2018Clair WaynerRegeneron STS SemifinalistImpact of Inhibitory Biofilms on E. coli Filtration in Engineering Infiltration Systems
2017Amy ZhangRegeneron STS SemifinalistSelf-Folding Motile Encapsulating Microdevices For Use in Single-Cell Analysis
2016Kathy LeIntel STS SemifinalistActivating mutations in FGFR leads to a competitive advantage in Drosophila germline stem cells
2014Kelly Khare2014 Intel STS SemifinalistsThe Effect of Drainage Channels on the Peeling of a Surface Submerged in Fluid
2014Lucas Winch2014 Intel STS SemifinalistsOrigins of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs)
2013Nathan Greene ISEF Finalists; 3rd Place awardA Study of Zero-Crossing in Fractal-Generated Turbulence
2013 Evan Smith ISEF FinalistsPLGA Nanoparticles Encapsulating Anti-Vascular Small Molecules for the Treatment of Breast Cancer
2012Michael TontchevISEF FinalistsNon-Semantic Context-Free Grammars for Subject Recognition
2012Elias Weston FarberISEF FinalistsEffect of Codon Optimization on Yeast TY1 Transposition
2011Dan Borgnia Intel STS SemifinalistsOrientation-Dependent Elastic Energy of Diskoidal Colloids in Nematic Fluids
2011Ilenna JonesIntel STS SemifinalistsExpression and DNA Methylation of KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 in Bipolar Disorder
2011Anna ManaladFinalist, National Junior Science & Humanities SymposiumThe Potential for Allogenic Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Enhance Blood Vessel Growth in a Rabbit Model of Peripheral Arterial Disease
2010Wuqiong FanIntel STS SemifinalistGene Expression Signature-based Chemical Genomics Identifies Drug Candidates in a Mouse Rheumatoid Arthritis Cell Model
2010Kayleigh HorstNational Junior Science & Humanities Symposium FinalistA Stable Cell Model of Huntingon’s Disease-Like 2
2009Wuqiong FanSiemens SemifinalistGene Expression Signature-based Chemical Genomics Identifies Drug Candidates in a Mouse Rheumatoid Arthritis Cell Model
2009Hannah BandsYoung Epidemiology Scholars Competition
National Finalist ($15,000 award)
Immigrant Asian Mothers’ Depressive Symptoms and Their Children’s Social Difficulties
2009Miera ArmsteadIntel International Science and Engineering Fair FinalistCulturing Actinobacteria from Marine Sponges
2009Jasmen RiceYoung Epidemiology Scholars Competition SemifinalistCorrelating the Behaviors of HIV-Positive and Negative African-American Females in the Baltimore-Towson Metropolitan Area
2008Ariel BowersThe Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology SemifinalistData Processing of Hubble Space Telescope Images of the Carina Nebula (NGC 3372) & Cataloging Dark Globules within NGC 3372
2008Shauna LinnIntel International Science and Engineering Fair; 2nd Place AwardCorrelating Anatomical and Behavioral Asymmetry
2007David LaiThe Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology SemifinalistCharacterization of Genomic Instability in sgsl Mutants
2007Emma CallIntel STS 10th place National Winner ($20,000 award)Self-Assembling Three Dimensional Microcontainers for Cell Encapsulation
2006Emma CallThe Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology SemifinalistSelf-Assembling Three Dimensional Microcontainers for Cell Encapsulation
2006Emma Call Intel ISEF Finalist, 4th Place awardSelf-Assembling Three Dimensional Microcontainers for Cell Encapsulation
2006Meyers (Abe) DavisIntel STS Finalist, 7th Place National Winner ($20,000 award)Bounding Sphere Images: A Parametric Boundary Volume Hierarchy for Collision Detection on the GPU
2006Owen HillIntel STS SemifinalistDetermining the Best Live Show: A Sociological Study of Rock Concerts
2006Molly BroachYoung Epidemiology Scholars Competition FinalistComparing the Frequency of Fruit and Vegetable Purchase with Fast Food Consumption (Pre and Post Intervention): A Study Using Data from the Apache Healthy Stores Program
2006Nahathai SrivaliIntel International Science and Engineering Fair FinalistUsing Drosophila Gene Traps to Explore the Genome
2006Tiffany SteeleIntel International Science and Engineering Fair FinalistStudies on the Cellular Localization of ht eHI-1 Nef and Vpu Proteins
2005Meyers (Abe) Davis The Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology SemifinalistBounding Sphere Images: A Parametric Boundary Volume Hierarchy for Collision Detection on the GPU
2005Ryan HarrisonIntel STS Finalist, 5th Place National Winner ($25,000 award)A Novel Approach to Modeling pH-Sensitive Regions within Protein
2005Elizabeth BanksIntel ISEF FinalistsThe Effects of a 5HT1 antagonist on Resting Neurogenesis in Ts65Dn
2005Wayland ChenIntel ISEF FinalistsThe Effects of Free Volume Due to Relazation on the Strength of the Amorphous Metal Pd40Ni40P20
2005Tam NguyenThe Siemens Competition in Math, Science and Technology Westinghouse Competition SemifinalistInhibition of FASN Causes Cell Cycle Disruption in c-Myc Dependent B-cells
2004Anna KalmykovIntel International Science and Engineering Fair; 4th PlaceRapid Proteomic Indentification of Sphingomonas wittichii Strai RW1
2004Eric RosenbergIntel International Science and Engineering Fair FinalistImproved Surgical Techniques through the Measurement and Display of Cutting Forces in Visceral Tissue
2004Rachel PiersonIntel International Science and Engineering Fair  FinalistNeurological Mechanisms of Figure-Ground Perception
2003Anthony AgyapongIntel International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist NovelBacteria from Key Largo Sponges: Source of New Drugs?
2003Lani MartinezIntel International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist Nogo Receptor Signaling in Zebrafish Nervous System Development
2003Dung TranIntel International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist The Effect of Follistatin in Myostatin Activity and Muscle Growth
2002Chelsey HashIntel International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist Isolation and Characterization of CD3 from Rainbow Trout
2002April RuffinIntel International Science and Engineering Fair Dupont Excellence in Engineering Award, Finalist Bacalovirus Vectors for Expression of HIV-2 Nef Protein in Spodoptera Frugiperda Cells
2001Craig TurnerIntel International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist Porous, Biodegradable Microparticles for Pulmonary Drug Delivery


What's Happening

Student Achievements

Ingenuity Scholars Shine at Morgan State University Engineering and Science Fair

BALTIMORE – The Morgan State University Science-Mathematics-Engineering Fair was held… Read More

Ingenuity Students Awarded Fellowships by the Sandra Lee Heyman Foundation

Ingenuity Scholars Receive Fellowship PROGRAM SELECTS 41 MORE STUDENTS, EXPANDS… Read More

Poly’s Chess Team Wins 5th Place at US Chess National Competition!

Ingenuity students powered Baltimore Polytechnic Institute's Chess Team to a… Read More

Application Timeline

November 1, 2024Ingenuity Application OPENS
November 2024- March 2025Middle School Open Houses with Ingenuity Middle School Information Sessions (See Ingenuity Admissions Information page for registration details)
November 14, 2024Poly's Open House with Ingenuity High School Information Sessions (5:30 - 7:30 PM)
November 16, 2024 -SaturdayIngenuity Middle School Virtual Information Session (9:00 - 10:00 AM) - See Ingenuity Admissions Information page for registration details)
November 20, 2024-WednesdayIngenuity Middle School Virtual Information Session (7:00 - 8:00 PM) - See Ingenuity Admissions Information page for registration details)
December 14, 2024City Schools' Middle and High School Choice Fair (Baltimore Convention Center)
November 2024-January 2025Ingenuity High School Admissions Test Sessions (NO Middle School test for 2024-25 Admissions)
January 24, 2025Ingenuity Application DEADLINE (Same as Baltimore City Public Schools Choice Deadline)
February 28, 2025Ingenuity Admissions DECISIONS RELEASED
July 21-31, 2025Ingenuity Rising 6th Grade Summer Academy (for all accepted students)

Our Partners

Ingenuity Project Headquarters

1400 West Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD, USA


James McHenry Elementary School

31 S Schroeder St, Baltimore, MD 21223, USA

(410) 396-1621

Baltimore Polytechnic Institute

1400 West Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21209, United States


Hamilton Middle School

6101 Old Harford Road, Baltimore, MD 21214, United States


Mount Royal Middle School

121 McMechen St, Baltimore, MD 21217, United States


Roland Park Middle School

5207 Roland Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21210, United States


Locations / Schools

Ingenuity Project Headquarters
1400 West Cold Spring Lane

James McHenry Elementary School
31 S Schroeder St
(410) 396-1621

Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
1400 West Cold Spring Lane

Hamilton Middle School
6101 Old Harford Road

Mount Royal Middle School
121 McMechen St

Roland Park Middle School
5207 Roland Avenue